25 May 2011

I cant fight everyday...

i just can't do it today... i can't walk by those boys and take all the shit... i just can't do it... just today. I know I have walked proudly past them almost everyday this year, waving my freak flag high... and each time i take the "die fag" with a tight lip... but today, i just cannot take. Why can I not be free to be me? Why do people think i dress differently? It comes so natural for me to buy the clothes i like... and yet to others it is alien, and i just don't understand! these clothes i wear, i wear because i think they are nice, i like them, they are an extension of who i am... and people see them and they judge me to be something i am not! i just don't understand... i don't understand why people can want you to die because of the way you dress... because surely they know nothing about you? surely from seeing you in the street they cant know you? so surely all they are basing their assumptions on is the way you dress? I am gay yes, but why does that make a difference? I might not be, i just might dress so awesomely for a different reason... 
you can tell me they are stupid, you can tell me just to ignore them, but i do that, and i just feel nothing, i don't feel like i have beaten them, i still feel they are satisfied, it still doesn't stop them... why wont they stop?  
a lady once told me that i was born this way, and i believe her... i am born this way... i love being this way, most of the time.... but today.. i don't... today i hate it, and today i just cannot walk past those boys... i cant hear there horrible words one more day... i just cant do it.... 
tomorrow i will!  

9 May 2011


So, I am now writing in my spare time for a really cool blog that you should all check out! I will still be writing here lots too tho! 
